Contact Martine
… You have come to the right place

” A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world” Louis Pasteur
A PROFESSIONAL interested in
- sourcing wines for distribution in your country
- having a brand ambassador to promote your wines during fairs, wine buying trips
- organising tailored wine region trips for your salesteam/customers
- getting WSET certified wine trainings for you/your employees
- organising wine themed or Pause,Breathe,Taste© events for partners/customers
- incorporating Pause,Breathe,Taste© into your oenotourism related offer
- participating in WSET certified wine trainings or benefitting from a 1 :1 studies and exam preparation
- participating in wine themed or Pause,Breathe,Taste© tasting events
- organising bespoke wine region trips
Feel free to leave a message and we will happily get back to you
For information on Martine’s other passion, feel free to visit