When YOGA and WINE meet
Wine and Yoga actually have more in common than we may initially think.
Both are ancestral disciplines and a source of inexhaustible inspiration and knowledge. Over the years I have participated in numerous wine tastings. The art of tasting requires precise techniques acquired through the understanding of some science but also participating in many practical tasting sessions to perfect skills.
The same dedication is expected in Yoga. Beyond being a secular tradition with its many benefits to both body and mind, the practice of Yoga demands rigour, precision and technicality. My years of devoted practice with the understanding of proper breathing have proved tremendously helpful in supporting my awakening and exploration of my senses.
” Through specific relaxation, breathing and visualisation techniques, the senses awaken and become more precise “…that is the Yoga and Wine exclusive and innovative PAUSE, BREATHE, TASTE© sensorial experience
Yogic Breathing
Yogic Breathing Through specific relaxation, breathing and visualisation techniques, the senses awaken and become more precise. I am not a neurologist or a doctor, so I approached some experts in the medical field to try and understand better how...
Inhalation is most important
Inhalation is most important « If you have ever attended a Yoga class you probably might have noted that your breathing exercises were mainly done with inhalation performed through the nose. Yogis did not know in their time how to scientifically explain the whys and...
“By merging both passions, Martine is touching the soul of her audience
either in a yoga shala or in a wine tasting session where she fine tuned
the senses using some pranayama breathing techniques and her deep knowledge of wine.”