Pause, Breathe, Taste© has been devised to enhance your tasting experience using Yogic techniques. Whether you are new to wine tasting or a keen amateur, close your eyes and indulge in a new sensorial experience!
The workshop starts with an opportunity to pause and reconnect to your senses through a specific meditation, then follows the practice of appropriate Yogic breathing techniques. This will help open your senses before being invited to a visualisation where you are introduced to the mechanisms behind wine tasting. You get access to an approved wine tasting content to learn how to taste like a pro, understand about wine aromas and wine descriptors specific to grape varieties (acidity, tannins, etc).
Then glass in hand you are offered the opportunity to further explore the senses and make your own jugement about a wine.
Through proper breathing, your tasting experience is optimized and support lasting memory of your impressions.
Useful Information – This workshop does not involve any postural yoga
- Workshop (1hr30)
- Wine (3-4)
- Wine glasses
- Tutorial document to keep
For additionnal info and a quote (including specific requests ; (rental room, catering, accommodation, postural yoga demand), do not hesitate to contact us.